Testimonials - Level 1 Gongs
Certified Online Course
What people are saying aboutĀ this online course

"The techniques were super useful and opened a whole new world for me. I loved to listen to Tony, brilliant teacher and his voice is very mesmerizing. It kept me focused all the way through!"
~ Vanda Z (Monterrey, Mexico)
"This course has given me a good understanding of the concept of sound healing in general and the use of gongs within that. I feel like it touched on the scientific aspects of how and why sound healing works, and gave me enough general knowledge to be able to explain this with confidence to a friend or prospective client. The connection exercises and intention setting with clients was probably my favourite thing I learned from this course, because it helped to give a structure and purpose to facilitate my own sound healing sessions.
~ Steven Tyssen (Australia)
"I really like it and I had no idea how many subjects where involved, I loved to learn something new and to studied new things that will not only be good for meā€¦. This course will let me be an instrument to guide persons to find out how to relax and open to the opportunity to heal in a deep and more spiritual, mental and subconscious way and I feel that at the same time I will heal also and I am grateful to all the persons who trust me and will trust in me."
~Ā Irais Lopez (Mexico)