Sound Healing Teacher - Andrea Zemrau - Edmonton, Canada
About Andrea

Andrea is a certified Sound Healing Therapist & Teacher, and a certified Reiki Master & Teacher.
She is the founder and operator of Attuned Healing | Sound & Reiki Therapy, providing one-on-one and group Sound & Reiki healing sessions, as well as practitioner training through The Sound Healing Academy and the International Center for Reiki Training.
She believes we were designed to be healthy in all aspects of our lives, and that life can really be beautiful when we get to that state of being.
Her desire is to help and empower others to attune to health so everyone can enjoy their most beautiful life!
Teacher Details
Edmonton, AB, Canada
+1 (825) 255-8295
Level 1 Foundation Certificate: Sound Healing With Tuning Forks
Level 2: Practitioner Diploma In Integral Sound Healing With Tuning Forks