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Sound Healing Academy Teacher - Tracey Woods

Sound Healing in Winmalee, Australia
Sound Healing in Winmalee, Australia
Tracey Woods - Sound Healing in Winmalee, Australia

About Tracey

Tracey’s professional background is Social Work, with over 30 years experience in Health. Personally, she brings a gentle, compassionate nature.

The Sound Journey - how it began:

Health challenges prompted Tracey to dig deeper to find the healing she was seeking. What unfolded was the discovery of the amazing healing power of sound, especially the voice. Tracey has completed 2x Diplomas in Sound Healing (Groups and One to One Sound Healing).

She has assisted with SHA training in the Blue Mountains and has been a Tutor for the Sound Healing Academy for a number of years. Tracey is now looking forward to joining SHA as a teacher.

What makes Tracey’s heart sing?

On this journey, Tracey has become passionate about the power of sound to heal and transform, to deeply relax, harmonise, balance and restore on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. The benefits are amazing!

Tracey Woods
Tracey Woods

Special interests:

Tracey is keen to share this modality with children and young people. Her personal experience as a Mum of 2 boys with autism means she has a great understanding of children with additional needs and the benefits that sound can bring to their world.

Additional skills:

Tracey also has been attuned to a number of energy healing modalities including Reiki, Reiki-Seichem and Metratonia Therapy. This has enabled her to develop a unique combination of sound and energy healing, incorporating powerful tones and light language! She has also completed a Diploma in Forensic Healing. The name sounds curious, but it involves 'detective work' using muscle-testing to tap into the body's innate wisdom to identify and address underlying causes of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual dis-ease. All of these amazing modalities are combined in Tracey's unique "Heart Song Healing" approach.

Testimonial Videos


Teacher Details


[email protected]


Winmalee, New South Wales, Australia






Blue Mountains:



Level 1 Foundations of Integral Sound Healing (Multi Instrument)

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Level 2: Practitioner Diploma in Integral Sound HealingĀ Multi-Instrument Course (1-2-1 Clients)

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Level 2: Practitioner Diploma In Integral Sound Healing Multi-Instrument (Groups)

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Sound Healing Academy Practitioner
Sound Healing Academy Teacher