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Sound Healing Practitioner - Susan Chaney - Alamosa, Colorado, USA

sound healing meditation
sound healing meditation

About Susan

Susan is a native of Montana, raised in Livingston just north of Yellowstone National Park. Growing up in close connection to nature, Susan was immersed in the rhythms of nature. Wanting to know more about our own inner connection to the cosmos, each other and how we develop self-understanding she completed her BA in Psychology and Spirituality from Antioch University, in Seattle, WA in 2007. A life-long interest in fairy tales and mythology and the wisdom behind the stories led her to obtain her Doctor of Philosophy in Mythological Studies with an emphasis in Depth Psychology in 2016 from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpenteria, CA. Her desire to understand the somatics of expanding our consciousness, led her to further her studies in shamanism, ecstatic trance, and vibrational therapeutics.

Susan is a certified sound therapy practitioner and shamanic practitioner, in Alamosa, Colorado, who understands that the stories we live by along our life’s journey may take us to a place that reveals the patterns in our lives no longer serve us. Through the desire to change and heal we have the opportunity to reclaim our authentic self.

 What better way to do that than aligning to the rhythmic sounds of who we are at the core?

Susan Chaney

Additional Training & Education

  •  Shamanism & Personal Transformation
  •  Ritual Postures Initiatory Training
  •  Harner Shamanic Counseling Training
  •  Shamanic Extraction Healing Training
  •  Shamanic Journeying, Power, and Healing
  •  Shamanism, Dying, and Beyond
  •  Advanced Practitioner Training-Energy, Breath, and Chakras
  •  Reiki Level I and II
  •  Neuro-Linguistic Master Practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapy
  •  NLP Life Coach, TimeLine Coach & Regression Specialist

Practitioner Details


[email protected]



Alamosa, Colorado, USA




Level 1 Foundation Certificate: Sound Healing With Tuning Forks

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Level 2: Practitioner Diploma In Integral Sound Healing With Tuning Forks

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Sound Healing Academy Practitioner
Sound Healing Academy Tutor