Sound Healing Practitioner - Audra Dover - Glenhaven, NSW, Australia

About Audra
Audra Dover is a fully qualified Sound Healing, Crystal & Reiki Practitioner who incorporates various holistic techniques into her client sessions. Audra obtained her Diploma in Integral Sound Therapy with Crystal Singing Bowls through the Sound Healing Academy and is also an Executive Member of the International Institute of Complimentary Therapists (IICT).
Since working in the corporate world as an executive assistant for over 25 years Audra not only saw firsthand, but experienced herself how stress & pressure can take a toll on our health and wellbeing.
After experiencing the wonderful benefits that holistic therapies did for her, it inspired Audra to become a certified Sound & Reiki Practitioner so that she could help others find balance & harmony in all areas of their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
Located in the Hills District of NSW, Audra facilitates individual 1 on 1 sound healing sessions, private and public group sound bath meditations and uses singing bowls during AromaTouch Technique sessions.
Sessions with Audra are relaxing and comfortable as she puts you at ease with her caring nature and offers practical solutions to empower women to make their health and wellbeing a priority.
“I believe true healing comes from within, which is why I turned to holistic therapies such as Sound Healing to assist others in relieving stress, improving concentration, releasing emotional blocks and aligns your own natural resonant frequencies.” ~ Audra Dover
Practitioner Details
Level 1 Foundation Certificate: Sound Healing With Crystal Bowls
Level 2: Practitioner Diploma In Integral Sound Healing With Crystal Singing BowlsÂ