$249.00 USD

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Level 1 Uncertified: Foundations in Sound Healing Course

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How you'll benefit from this course

  • You'll feel confident working with sound healing instruments and your voice, so you can give effective sound healing sessions to people you care about - your family and friends
  • You can also help yourself overcome health challenges and handle the stresses of your life with calmness and peace

If you want to work as professional sound healer with insurance, you can upgrade to our Certified Level 1 Foundation Course and then progress onto one of our Level 2 Practitioner Diploma Courses.

What you'll learn on this course

  • How sound healing works - the science, art and spirit of sound healing
  • How to work effectively with easy-to-play sound healing instruments and your voice
  • Foundational sound healing skills and techniques for working both off-body and on-body

What you'll get when you join this course

Video Tutorials

  • Access to our Online Learning Center with over 70 Video Tutorials covering the foundational knowledge, skills and techniques for working with 6 main instruments for integral sound healing: 
    • Himalayan/Tibetan Singing Bowls
    • Crystal Singing Bowls 
    • Tuning Forks 
    • Drums & Percussion
    • Gongs
    • Your Healing Voice
    • Plus Other Easy-To-Play Instruments
  • 9 Audio Downloads

Handbooks & Workbook

  • A 21-page Handbook for the Introductory Course
  • A 60-page Handbook for the Multi-Instrument Course
  • A Workbook and other great learning resources

Valuable Knowledge & Guidance

  • An introduction to the Science, Art & Alchemy of our unique Integral Sound Healing Process
  • How to bring it all together for:
    • Personal self-care and spiritual evolution
    • 1-on-1 sound healing sessions
    • Small group ‘sound bath’ healing sessions

Money Back Guarantee

  • 100% 30-Day Money Back Guarantee - if you don't love this course, you'll get a full refund!

Testimonials from our students

"I really enjoyed this course and found it to be clear, easy to follow, and full of useful and illuminating information. I'm really happy that I decided to enrol in this course and I feel like now I have a complete basic understanding of sound therapy. I have already started to integrate these instruments in my daily singing and DJing practice, so that I can create and record powerful sound journeys."

~ Silvia (Milan, Italy)

"I loved this course, and found it so important to enrich my own learning as a meditation teacher and soul-work coach. I feel sound healing is such an important component of meditation, and know there are a lot of people who can get into that meditative state faster with sound healing than they can with a guided or unguided meditation, so it is an integral piece of the puzzle to assist the collective to achieve higher consciousness. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to take it!"

~ Ashlie Allen (Iowa, USA)

"I think this course is great! I have learned heaps. Tony Nec is a brilliant teacher, Jane is too, and the support staff and faculty are fabulous. I really love the way Tony breaks up the material into small bite-size easy-to-understand and digest packages – video and written – it is the way I learn very quickly, and as a teacher myself, I know that most people do as well. It is not tiring, because you are able to learn at your own pace and because the segments are relatively short, a student is able to learn quickly and move on quickly through the course. Tony has a wonderful gift with his way of teaching and explaining things clearly and succinctly, and all in a very pleasant and friendly manner. I feel I know him quite well now!

~ Peter Morley (Rockingham, Western Australia.)