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Choosing Tibetan Singing Bowls For Sound Healing

tibetan singing bowls Aug 24, 2018
Jane demonstrating various tibetan singing bowls

In this blog, Jane Satchwell talks about the issues involved in choosing Tibetan singing bowls for sound healing.

Find out the benefits of different sizes of bowls and how to create combinations of healing sounds that are harmonious and dissonant with 3 bowls.

She also outlines the Tibetan singing bowls options for following our Online Certified Level 1 Sound Healing Courses, Online Level 2 Practitioner Diploma Courses, and In-Person Training Courses.

Jane goes on with demonstrating the beautiful and resonant tones of the singing bowls that you can purchase from our online Sound Therapy Shop.



Would you like to find out more?

Join one of our Online Tibetan Singing Bowls Courses!

Are you looking to purchase high-quality Tibetan singing bowls or mallets? 

Check out our Sound Therapy Shop for our Tibetan Singing Bowls and Mallets Collections.



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