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Sound Healing Instruments Required For Working With Groups

level 2 certified courses Apr 24, 2017
Sound Healing Instruments

When you join our Level 2: Professional Integral Sound Bath Certification Online Training, you will need to have a set of sound healing instruments to be able to work professionally with healing sounds.

This blog covers what you’ll need.

 On this course, we cover working with 5 main sound healing instruments:

We also recommend that you have some additional easy-to-play instruments to enhance the sound healing process, including:

You can add in other instruments into the group work if you are competent to play them.  

Some people add flutes, didgeridoos, harps, violins, sitars, harmoniums and other string, wind, percussion instruments.

You can choose which instruments to use in your sound healing group work. 

To help you decide, we've listed below a minimum set of instruments that you will need:

Your Healing Voice

  • You’ve got it already, so nothing extra required to buy!

Tibetan (Himalayan) Bowls


  • 1 medium sized gong on a stand
  • 1 small hand-held wind gong
  • 2 mallets of different sizes to match the size of your gongs

Crystal Singing Bowls

Hand-held frame drum

  • 1 of these is all you need – at least 16 inches | 40 cm in diameter

We offer Tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks at a discount prices to people taking this course on our Sound Therapy Shop.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]



Are you interested in becoming a certified sound healer for groups?

Join our Level 2: Professional Integral Sound Bath Certification Online Training!



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