About Our Level 2 Diploma In Integral Sound Healing For Working With Groups
Mar 09, 2017
Sound baths and sound meditation events are happening in towns and cities across the globe every day of the week, attracting large groups of people who love to regularly de-stress and feel more calm and peaceful with healing sounds!
Hospitals, day care centres, geriatric centres, yoga studios, corporate businesses, children’s health centres, community centres, churches, holistic health centres are all embracing healing sounds, and the list goes on.
The demand for group sound healing is spreading rapidly, and opportunities flourish for people who are properly trained and qualified. Now you can learn how to be a professional sound healer, doing work you love, making a difference and manifesting abundance in your life!
Become A Certified Sound Healer For Groups With Us
And you can do so by training with us through our Level 2: Professional Integral Sound Bath Certification Online Training.
This is a 12-month course involving home study with workbooks, case studies, and a practical exam.
We’ve been running sound healing courses since 2003, and we now have students, practitioners, tutors and teachers in over 40 countries!
What's Covered In This Course
This sound healing course covers working with healing sounds in different types of groups and locations, both solo (on your own) and with others in small teams, using acoustic sounds and recorded music.
We cover how to work with healing sounds in 10 different types of groups:
- Public sound baths & sound meditations
- Healing sounds at fairs and festivals
- Integrating healing sounds into meditation and yoga classes
- Healing sounds for teachers and students (education groups)
- Healing sounds for corporate / other organisations
- Healing sounds for elderly / dementia care (staff, service users, carers)
- Healing sounds for autistic spectrum disorders (staff, service users, carers)
- Healing sounds for palliative care (cancer cupport)
- Healing sounds for fertility & pregnancy (pre, during and post natal)
- Healing sounds for transformational ceremonies & rituals
We also cover how to integrate Movement & Sacred Dance with healing sounds.
When you join this course, you get access to a wealth of resources, covering the 10 different types of groups. You can study all 10 if you want, however, you’re required to study only 5 of them.
So you can elect to study the sound healing groups that best match your interests and aspirations, drawn from the list above!
Our unique Integral Sound Healing process is tried and tested as a highly effective healing modality. This has been documented in thousands of written case studies carried out by the teachers, practitioners and students of The Sound Healing Academy.
You don’t need to be a musician or singer to be a successful professional sound healing practitioner, and you don’t need to be a qualified healer, therapist or other health-care professional to participate in this course.
By joining our practitioner sound healing course, you’ll discover how healing sounds can help you and others to:
- be calm, balanced & relaxed
- have more energy & vitality
- be more productive & creative
- alleviate emotional and physical pain, dis-ease & illness
- and much more
On this course, you’ll get much more than a professional diploma and a new career! You’ll personally feel more relaxed, fulfilled, your creative energies will blossom and your natural intuitive abilities will flourish. This course will transform your life!
You’ll feel richly rewarded from noticing how well people in your groups deal effectively with their health and personal issues, and you’ll know deep within the core of your being that your life has greater meaning, purpose and variety than ever before.
By the end of this course, you’ll have the experience, confidence and resources to quickly and easily create a richly rewarding career, doing work you love whilst helping others with healing sounds.
Our Diploma In Integral Sound Healing With Groups certifies you to practice with the general public and get full professional indemnity insurance as a sound healing practitioner.
We are an approved training provider with the International Institute For Complementary Therapists. This means that you can get professional insurance to practice as a sound healer in most countries.
Why Choose This Diploma Course
Our sound healing for working with groups diploma is unique and comprehensive:
- You’ll learn practical skills and techniques for working with different types of groups using easy-to-play instruments including gongs, hand-held frame drums, Tibetan (Himalayan) bowls and crystal singing bowls, your healing voice, monochords, sansulas, chimes, and much more.
- You’ll discover the theory behind the practice – the science, art and spirit of integral sound healing
- You’ll master our unique 10-step healing process that effectively creates deep relaxation, reduces stress and alleviates chronic pain, dis-ease and illness without relying on drugs and their adverse side-effects
- You’ll get a recognised qualification plus guidance on how to successfully launch, market, and develop your sound healing practice so it becomes financially sustainable
This Diploma Course
Qualifies you to work with healing sounds with the general public, working with groups using a variety of instruments and your healing voice. If you also want to work professionally with individual 1-2-1 clients, you can take our Level 2 Practitioner Diploma In Integral Sound Healing For Working 1-2-1 With Clients
Is ideal for musicians, singers, djs, music teachers, psychotherapists, medical doctors, nurses, carers, healers, holistic therapists and anyone wanting to work professionally with healing sounds
What's Included
Our unique, comprehensive sond healing course includes:
- 10 cutting-edge training modules, each containing high quality video tutorials, briefing sheets, a workbook plus other training resources
- Monthly live, interactive webinars and group coaching sessions to support your learning and development before and after the workshop, with questions & answers
- 4 x live, 1-2-1 personal coaching and mentoring sessions by phone or Skype to help you get the most from this training, and support you with the case studies
- Coaching tips by email and in our on-line learning center to ensure you fly with the course
- The assessment process with personal feedback on your workbooks and case studies
- Opportunity to network and collaborate in our global sound healing community
Key Features Of This Diploma Course
This course is structured around working with a unique mix of 10 types of groups, enabling you to generate multiple income streams for a richly, abundant career with healing sounds.
For each type of group, we cover the key elements you need to plan and run appropriate sound healing events to achieve positive healing outcomes.
The quality of the relationship between you and people in your groups is critical to the success of the sound healing process.
We cover the most significant dynamics in this relationship: building rapport, active listening, facilitating engagement, and managing energy flows.
Although the instruments we use to create the healing sounds are easy to play, we teach you key musical concepts and techniques that enhance the healing process, including natural harmonics and overtones, musical intervals, dynamics of consonance, dissonance, rhythm, amplitude, and sensitivity.
We teach you how you can work with therapeutic instruments and your voice to correct distortions in the energy fields of your clients, including the sound biofield and chakras to achieve harmony, balance and healing.
You’ll learn effective techniques for working off-the-body of people in your groups. We do not recommend on-the-body work in groups as that’s best done in 1-2-1 sound healing session with clients.
Healing is most profound and long-lasting when we adopt integral perspectives and practices.
We draw on the Integral Medicine models of Amit Goswami, Ken Wilber, Marylin Schlitz and others.
We work with sounds to facilitate healing in all 5 dimensions of consciousness: physical, emotional, mental, soul and spirit. Mindful awareness of outer and inner sounds creates a state of deep relaxation and peace.
Prerequisites For This Course
To join this course, you should first qualify with one of our Level 1 Foundation Certificate Courses, either Online or blended with In-Person Workshops.
A similar qualification from another school, college or academy, is also acceptable, however, you’ll be asked to send us a copy of your certificate.
The Assessment Process
You will need to complete and pass the following 3 forms of assessment:
- Workbooks: covering a minimum of 5 types of Sound Healing Groups, plus 3 general Modules, making a total of 8 workbooks to complete
- Case studies: 20 group sound healing events – we provide the forms for you to complete. You’ll need to get feedback, testimonials and photos from each event
- Practical exam: a video and audio recording of one group sound healing event lasting approximately 60 minutes.
Are you interested in becoming a certified sound healer for groups?
Join our Level 2: Professional Integral Sound Bath Certification Online Training!
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