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Finding Calm - The Therapeutic Effects Of Sound Healing

Oct 15, 2024
The Therapeutic Effects Of Sound Healing

Healing sounds have been used as a healing modality for thousands of years, from ancient civilizations chanting mantras to modern-day sound baths

At its core, sound healing is based on the principle that everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration. This includes our bodies, emotions, and thoughts. Sound healing harnesses these vibrations to promote balance, relaxation, and healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

In this blog, we’ll explore the therapeutic effects of integral sound healing, particularly its impact on the nervous system and the vagus nerve, as well as the physical, emotional, and mental benefits. We’ll also explore how humming and using small sound healing instruments can bring deep relaxation and healing.

Sound Healing & The Nervous System

The nervous system is the body’s control center, responsible for regulating functions such as heart rate, digestion, and mood. Many people experience chronic stress, activating the sympathetic nervous system (the “fight-or-flight” response). Prolonged activation of this system can lead to anxiety, insomnia, and various stress-related conditions.

Sound healing works by shifting the body from this state of stress to a state of relaxation, engaging the parasympathetic nervous system (the “rest-and-digest” mode). This system helps restore a sense of calm, reduce stress hormones, and promote overall well-being.

Sound vibrations enter the body through the ears and skin, influencing the nervous system and calming the mind. Whether through the sound of a Tibetan singing bowl, tuning forks, or even the simple act of humming, sound healing helps to create coherence in the body and bring the nervous system into a state of balance.

The Vagus Nerve: Sound Healing’s Key Ally

The vagus nerve, the longest cranial nerve in the body, is at the center of this parasympathetic response. It is crucial in regulating the autonomic nervous system, influencing heart rate, digestion, immune response, and mood. The vagus nerve is like a bridge between the brain and the body, helping to regulate the body’s response to stress.

Sound healing can directly stimulate the vagus nerve. Research shows that vibrations, whether from vocal toning, humming, or sound healing instruments, help increase vagal tone. A higher vagal tone is associated with improved emotional regulation, a stronger immune system, and better overall health.

Humming & Vagal Stimulation

One of the simplest ways to stimulate the vagus nerve is through humming. Humming sends soothing vibrations through the body, calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation. When you hum, the vibrations pass through your sinuses, chest, and diaphragm, gently massaging the vagus nerve and enhancing its function. This reduces stress and anxiety and increases feelings of calmness and connection.

Pranayama, also known as Bee-Humming, is a Yogic breathing technique incorporating humming, which is considered beneficial for health. A systematic review highlights the main researched benefits as improvements in the cardiovascular system, slowing brain waves to a more relaxed state, improved cognitive function and improvements in tinnitus (Kuppusamy et al., 2018)

Physical Benefits Of Sound Healing

Beyond its calming effects on the nervous system, there are many other sound healing benefits, starting with physical:

1. Reduction Of Pain & Inflammation

Sound healing instruments like tuning forks are often used in vibrational therapy to relieve pain. Tuning fork therapy applies specific frequencies to certain points on the body, similar to acupuncture, to reduce inflammation and discomfort.

2. Lowering Blood Pressure & Heart Rate

Sound healing, especially the use of instruments such as crystal singing bowls or gongs, has been shown to lower blood pressure and heart rate by calming the nervous system. When the body is in a relaxed state, stress hormones like cortisol decrease, contributing to cardiovascular health.

3. Enhanced Sleep Quality

The soothing vibrations from sound healing help to slow brainwave activity, allowing the body to enter a deeper, more restful state of sleep. Sound therapy helps reduce insomnia and promotes deeper sleep cycles by harmonising the body's energetic field.

4. Boosting The Immune System

Sound healing indirectly supports the immune system by reducing stress, improving vagal tone, and restoring balance in the nervous system. A well-regulated nervous system promotes healthier digestion, circulation, and immune response.

Emotional & Mental Healing Through Sound

Sound healing also has profound emotional and mental benefits:

1. Reducing Anxiety & Depression

Vibrational sound therapy can help release emotional blockages by shifting the body's frequency. Listening to specific tones or receiving a sound bath can alter brainwave states, promoting alpha and theta brainwaves associated with relaxation and deep meditation. This process helps reduce anxiety, depression, and emotional imbalances. Singing bowl meditation was shown to significantly reduce anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic (Jain et al., 2023).

2. Improving Mental Clarity & Focus

The frequencies created by sound healing instruments have been shown to improve mental clarity and cognitive function, linked to overall feelings of health and well-being (Milbury et al., 2013).

3. Emotional Release & Balance

Sound healing works by realigning the body’s energy centers or chakras. Imbalances in these energy centers can manifest as emotional turmoil, but sound healing helps to restore harmony, leading to emotional release and balance. Instruments like crystal singing bowls, which are tuned to different chakra frequencies, can help clear emotional blockages and promote emotional well-being

In the future, we may see more personalized sound treatments offered as a way to improve emotional well-being, such as this study which examined AI-created sound therapy with positive results in an aging population.

Small Sound Healing Instruments For Personal Practice

While larger instruments like gongs and crystal singing bowls are commonly used in sound baths, small sound healing instruments can be incredibly effective for personal practice and even daily use. 

These tools are easy to integrate into a holistic lifestyle and are particularly useful for stimulating the nervous system and the vagus nerve.

1. Tuning Forks

These small, precise instruments emit specific frequencies that can be applied directly to the body or used around the energy field. They are particularly effective for addressing pain, releasing tension, and promoting relaxation.

2. Chimes

Zaphir chimes or handheld chimes produce soft, melodious tones that can clear stagnant energy and elevate the mood. The gentle, high-pitched sounds are soothing to the nervous system and can be used in meditation or energy healing practices.

3. Tingsha Bells

Traditionally used in Tibetan rituals, these small cymbals create a clear, crisp sound that can break through negative energy. They are excellent tools for starting or ending a meditation session or realigning energy during stressful times.

4. Humming & Vocal Toning

As mentioned earlier, humming is one of the most accessible forms of sound healing. Combining your voice with the vibrations of small instruments can create a more profound healing experience. Vocal toning with small bowls or tuning forks can further enhance the calming effects on the nervous system.

Conclusion: The Holistic Power Of Sound Healing

The therapeutic effects of sound healing extend far beyond just a calming experience!

Sound healing addresses the whole being, mind, body, and soul by engaging the nervous system, stimulating the vagus nerve, and offering physical, emotional, and mental benefits. 

Whether using small sound healing instruments, such as tuning forks or chimes or simply practicing humming to relax, the vibrations you create can restore balance and promote deep healing.

As sound healing becomes more widely recognized for its profound impact on health and well-being, it offers a gentle yet powerful way to heal ourselves and others.

If you’re a practitioner or someone looking to bring more harmony into your life, sound healing provides a natural path to relaxation, rejuvenation, and transformation

What to read next: 


Jain S., McKusick E., Ciccone L., Sprengel M., Ritenbaugh C. (2023) Sound healing reduces generalized anxiety during the pandemic: A feasibility study, Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Volume 74, 102947.

Kuppusamy M., Kamaldeen D., Pitani R., Amaldas J., Shanmugam P. (2018) Effects of Bhramari Pranayama on health – A systematic review, Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 11-16.

Milbury K., Chaoul A., Biegler K., Wangyal T., Spelman A., Meyers C.A., Arun B., Palmer J.L.,Taylor J.,Cohen L. (2013) Tibetan sound meditation for cognitive dysfunction: results of a randomized controlled pilot trial, Pyscho-Oncology. Volume22, Issue10. Pages 2354-2363.

Shi Y., Ma C., Wang C., Wu T., Jiang X. (2024). Harmonizing Emotions: An AI-Driven Sound Therapy System Design for Enhancing Mental Health of Older Adults. In: Degen, H., Ntoa, S. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in HCI. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14736. Springer, Cham.



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