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Your Heartbeat And The Frame Drum

frame drum Feb 13, 2022
Blonde woman beating a frame drum in nature with a soft beater

Our relationship with rhythm begins in the womb. The heartbeat we hear there, has a therapeutic and calming effect on us. This connection to the heart rhythm carries on throughout our lifetime, and can help us ground and calm down.

Beat Patterns & The Frame Drum

Different beat patterns can bring about physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing for the mind, body, and soul.

When working with a frame drum in a sound healing session, it is good practice to start with a simple technique to connect to your drum, and also to the person or group you are working with.

What Beat Pattern Should I Begin With?

A simple two beat pattern with a shamanic drum can entrain the heart and brain to relax and enter altered states of consciousness.

This slow rhythmic playing of the drum can help the mind access deep states of healing and calm.

Creating The Heart Beat Rhythm With Your Drum

Our Sound Healing Academy Teacher Morag Wylie, talks us through the simple heart beat rhythm below.

"Start where you are (take your pulse) by beating a steady rhythm, then gradually slow it down to 70 beats per minute or even 60 beats per minute. Use a soft beater and a gentlesteady beat. You’ll find your heartbeat and mental chatter will calm, as your brainwaves also slow down, easing anxiety in the body."



Do you want to learn more about the healing powers of the drum?

Join one of our Online Rhythm & Drums Courses or In-Person Training Courses



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