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How to Create Healing Musical Intervals with Tuning Forks

Short Sound Healing Course

Learn to work effectively with unweighted tuning forks in the Harmonic Spectrum set to create the healing effects of musical intervals.

Tibetan Singing Bowls
Click here to purchase for $39

How to Create Healing Musical Intervals with Tuning Forks - Short Course

Learn to work effectively with unweighted tuning forks in the Harmonic Spectrum set to create the healing effects of musical intervals.

Musical intervals are created by activating 2 tuning forks with different notes at the same time.

Extensive research carried out over the past 40 years has shown that different musical intervals facilitate a cascade of healing outcomes.

Learn how to work with tuning forks to create these musical intervals and help yourself and others: your family, friends and clients.

This is an amazing introduction to working with the healing sounds of tuning forks!

Unweighted tuning forks are designed specifically for working off the body.

When you join this course, you'll:

  • Feel confident working with tuning forks for healing
  • Help yourself with healing sounds - feel more relaxed and calm
  • Give effective sound healing sessions to the people you care about: your family and friends
  • Lay a solid foundation for a career in sound healing, working 1-2-1 with clients

This course covers working with forks from the 8 (octave) unweighted tuning fork set of the Harmonic Spectrum : C (256 Hz), D (288 Hz), E (320 Hz), F (341.3 Hz), G (384 Hz), A (426.7 Hz), B (480 Hz) and C (512 Hz).

Extensive research shows that these tuning forks help to:

  • reduce stress
  • alleviate pain and increase mobility in joints and muscles
  • help our bodies to detox
    You will need these tuning forks to complete the course.

You can buy these tuning forks from our online shop.

To secure your place, join now - please click the purple "Purchase Offer" button ....

This offer includes:

  • 4 video tutorials with practical instructions on how to work effectively with the unweighted tuning forks in the Harmonic Spectrum set for sound healing
  • A PDF Handbook that you can read online and download
  • A comprehensive Workbook to guide your learning
  • A checklist of the health benefits of the 8 tuning forks covered in this course

2 Video Tutorials covering the Science, Art and Alchemy of Integral Sound Healing.

Altogether, over 2 hours of top-quality online training!

You'll get all this immediately for only $39 when you join our online course!

Click here to purchase offer now

What you'll get on this course

Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials

You'll get access to 4 video tutorials with step-by-step instructions on how to create healing musical intervals with Tuning Forks