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Integral Sound Healing With Voice

Certified Online Course

  • Learn effective techniques to help yourself and others with your healing voice.
  • Dive more deeply into the world of sound healing with Vocal Toning, Mantra and Chant. 
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What people are saying about this online voice course

"This course has helped me a lot in my own healing process. I am thankful for all the techniques and information substantially provided and thoroughly explained in this course. I feel equipped with knowledge and skills to use for my own healing and others."

- Judith Elizah De Ungria (East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA)

"It’s a lot! It was broken down very well and made the learning manageable. It definitely gave me a solid foundations for understanding sound healing and how to apply it in my daily life . .  (The online learning portal was) well put together, the download aids were a great help. It felt clean and purposeful. I got to have a good chat with my tutor Patricia and she was able to answer my questions."

- Elly Ball (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)

Level 1 Certified: Integral Sound Healing With Voice


Join our Level 1 Voice Course today!

Learn to work effectively with Vocal Toning, Mantra and Chant to help yourself and others: your family and friends. This is an amazing introduction to working with the healing sounds of Voice!\

This 3 month course gives you the Science, Art and Alchemy of our unique method of Integral Sound Healing

Plus, you'll also get....

  • practical 'how-to-do-it' instructions
  • personal contact and feedback with a top-class tutor
  • your questions answered in 2 x 1-hour live webinars with Tony Nec the Principal of the Sound Healing Academy and Gretchen Bickert, our Support Team Leader
  • connections with our community of sound healers around the world in our international facebook support group :)

When you join this course, you'll:

  • Feel confident working with your voice
  • Help yourself with healing sounds - feel more relaxed and calm
  • Give effective sound healing sessions to the people you care about: your family and friends
  • Lay a solid foundation for a career in sound healing, working 1-2-1 with clients and in groups
  • In this exclusive program, you'll learn foundational skills and techniques for working with Vocal Toning, Mantra and Chant

To secure your place, join now - please click the purple "Purchase Offer" button....

What you'll learn on this course:

  • how sound healing works - the science, art and spirit of sound healing

  • how to work effectively with Vocal Toning, Mantra and Chant

  • foundational sound healing skills and techniques for working with your Healing Voice

Subjects Covered:

  • The 5 phases of sound healing with vocal toning
  • How to develop natural harmonics and overtones in your voice
  • What are mantras?
  • 5 stages of chant
  • The yoga of sound
  • How to work with mantras for healing
  • A 3-Step Mantra Therapy Protocol
  • Is prayer the same as mantra?
  • Advanced techniques for balancing the chakras with your voice
  • The Taoist Six Healing Sounds 


Click here to purchase this offer
Science Art and Alchemy


15 Short videos covered the origins of Sound Healing, along with the Science, Art and Alchemy.

Sound Healing with Voice

Module 1

Introduction to Integral Sound Healing with voice - includes types of sound healing with voice, healing outcomes, clients sessions and other instruments.

Sound Healing with Voice

Module 2

Foundational Skills & Techniques for working with your healing voice

Sound Healing with Voice

Module 3

Overview of more advanced techniques for your healing voice  

Sound Healing with Voice

Module 4

Techniques for the Five Phases of Vocal Toning

Sound Healing with Voice

Module 5

Talks with slides covering various aspects of working with Mantras & Chants

Sound Healing with Voice

Module 6

Techniques to balance the chakras with your voice

Sound Healing with Voice

Module 7

Techniques for the Six Taoist Healing Sounds

Click here to purchase offer now for $498

Online Learning Plus Personal Guide

With us, you'll get a lot more than easy access to a library of videos and other resources. You'll be linked with a real, live person as a tutor!

Personal Tutor

Personal Tutor

You'll have a personal tutor who will guide you to successfully complete the course.  You'll get answers to your questions by email and in a live 30 minute coaching call.  You'll also get feedback on your completed workbook.

Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials

You'll get access to over 30 video tutorials with step-by-step instructions on various aspects and techniques of working with your voice.

Other resources

Many other learning resources

You'll be able to take quizzes and download many other great learning resources, including handbook, workbook and audio recordings.

More information