Level 2: Practitioner Diploma in Integral Sound Healing
Multi-Instrument Online Course (1-2-1 Clients)
Level 2 Diploma for 1-2-1 Clients
Learn how to deal effectively with 80% of health challenges typically presented to physicians, doctors, practice nurses and other healthcare professionals using a variety of sound healing instruments and your voice.
Join our unique Diploma in Integral Sound Healing course today!
Course fee: 6 x $299 monthly payments - total: $1794 USD

Unique 10-step healing process
This course is structured around our unique 10-Step Integral Healing process with sounds which transforms an ordinary sound healing session into one that is extra-ordinarily effective and transformative.

Client Dynamics
The quality of the relationship between you and your clients is critical to the success of the healing process. We cover the most significant dynamics in this relationship: building rapport; active listening, client engagement & managing energy flows.

Music Medicine
Although the instruments we use to create the healing sounds are easy to play, we teach key musical concepts and techniques that enhance the healing process, including: natural harmonics and overtones; musical intervals; dynamics of consonance, dissonance, rhythm, amplitude & sensitivity.

Assessing the energy field
To be effective in facilitating positive healing outcomes for your clients you need to make accurate assessments of the state of your clients’ energy fields – both physical and subtle.
You’ll learn reliable techniques for making these assessments.

Balancing the Biofield
We teach you how you can work with therapeutic instruments and your voice to correct distortions in the energy fields of your clients, including the biofield (aura), chakras and meridians to achieve harmony, balance and healing.
You’ll learn effective techniques for working both off and on the body of your clients.

Integral Sound Healing
Healing is most profound and long-lasting when we adopt integral perspectives and practices.
We work with sounds to facilitate healing in all 5 dimensions of consciousness: physical; emotional; mental; soul and spirit. Mindful awareness of sounds creates a state of relaxation and peace.
We also create the safe conditions for the release, integration and transformation of suppressed emotions that underlie many physical and mental health challenges facing our clients.
What people are saying about this course
Online Learning Plus Personal Guide
With us, you'll get a lot more than easy access to a library of videos and other resources. You'll be linked with a real, live person as a tutor!

Personal Tutor
You'll have a personal tutor who will guide you to successfully complete the course. You'll get answers to your questions by email and in a live 30 minute coaching call. You'll also get feedback on your completed workbook.

Video Tutorials
You'll get access to well over 100 video tutorials with step-by-step instructions on how to play sound healing instruments and use your voice for healing in a variety of different Group settings.

Many other learning resources
You'll be able to take quizzes and download many other great learning resources, including handbook, workbook and audio recordings.
This course also covers the advanced skills and techniques needed to play 6 main instruments

Tuning Forks
Learn how to heal with different different types of tuning forks on and off the body of clients for healing and rejuvenation.

Tibetan Bowls
Learn to work effectively with Tibetan Singing Bowls to induce relaxation, a calm mind and to balance chakras.

Crystal Bowls
Learn effective techniques for integral sound healing with Crystal Singing Bowls, including working with the healing effects of musical intervals and triads.

Learn how help yourself and others with your Healing Voice - humming, toning, chanting, mantras and more..!

Rhythm and Drums
Learn effective techniques to heal with hand-held frame Drums, including heart / brain entrainment, and working with the Rhythms of elements and directions to balance the chakras.

Learn effective techniques for Integral Sound Healing with Gongs, both hand-held and on stands, using a variety of mallets and flumi.